Time for a change?

So I've been living with kinda messy hair for a while now, and while browsing through various blogshops I stumbled across a look that I really like. Though I'm not 100% sure that I can pull it off. Disclaimer: I don't own the following photos, got them from the lazygirl.co website. Which by the way, you should check out because they have a super versatile and laid-back collection.

Well, my main gripe with going back to bangs is that I risk having breakouts on my forehead again. But bangs are so cute. Sigh. In Japan it was easier to maintain due to the low humidity.

*Inserts random photo of pretty flowers taken by yours truly*
Have also been eyeing this skirt for a long time now.
She's so pretty and cool *A*
Meanwhile, I shall continue looking at random models' hairstyles for more inspiration.



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