Silver Lining

An optimist has streaks of idealism in her. She used to be more naïve, but with age and the accumulation of wisdom, this naïviety is tempered. She believes in great ideas, that people can focus less on hurting one another and more on fixing the problems in the world today.

An optimist sees the many wonderful things that can be done, gets distracted easily by random articles on the Internet, exhibits ignorance and perceives the possibility of making it on time despite leaving late.

An optimist falls easily, often piecing bits of information gathered from disparate sources to form a delusional image of the next unsuspecting victim. She then sets off making decisions on this basis -- sometimes getting it right by a stroke of luck, other times making a mistake. When things go awry, she shakes off the dust and tries to tread more carefully the next time round. She constantly reminds herself to form impressions of people from real interactions, rather than from social media snippets.

An optimist may sometimes procrastinate. She believes that spending all of one's time on work is not the way to go. Being productive is. She goes on to indulge in hobbies, in miscellaneous readings, in seeking inspiration for better, or for worse.

An optimist is spontaneous, open to new friends, and hungry for adventure. And at the end of the day, gazing in the mirror is where she sees her own favourite reflection.



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