Kanamara Matsuri (03 Apr)

It was a beautiful Sunday morning when I arrived at Kawasaki Daishi station to meet Klins and his family for the matsuri. This being my first, I had no idea what to expect except hordes of people and various merchandise up for sale at the fringe booths. It was nothing short of interesting -- the buzz of anticipation in the air, the wafting smells of festival food, the actual procession stirring, the large 'mushrooms' that were endlessly being photographed, and also, the surprising presence of transsexuals who graced the event in their get-ups despite the muddy ground. Kanayama Shrine was not as large as I expected it to be, but all in all, it was a morning well spent.

These 'mushroom' lollipops were selling like cray

My favourite shot in terms of colour and composition



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