Photos part 1: The very beginnings

At the airport when I first arrived...

On the way...

To my new temporary home (LOL)

Two lovely undressed beds, I'm sleeping on the smaller right one

*O* My house has 4 floors. Bedrooms on 2nd and 3rd,

Living room and kitchen on 1st.

The exterior

Curtains of the living room window facing the garage, but we have no car
(My dad can't drive here as the driver's seat is on the left hand side)

The next morning, we had a hearty breakfast here.

Outside, some shophouses in humble Hukou residence area

Brother's breakfast x_x

Carrot cake, but I prefer the ones in SG


Scented bags, I found the bears cute(:

In the afternoon, we had sushi!!! Doesn't cost as much as in SG and of course,
how can I bear to miss out on 茶碗蒸し!

SHOPPING! This is just one of the many MANY shops.

Part 2 coming soon.



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