Do I have mental disorders?

I'm starting to suspect I do.

Some vocabulary I learnt today:
  • repression
  • fixation
  • socratic dialogue
  • denotation
  • (and two other which I feel inappropriate to mention here :x)
I love dwelling in the past~ memories, logs, photographs, letters... nostalgia reigns.
And, psychology is surprisingly interesting. Here's an extract from

The Anal Stage

The child meets the conflict between the parent's demands and the child's desires and physical capabilities in one of two ways: Either he puts up a fight or he simply refuses to go. The child who wants to fight takes pleasure in excreting maliciously, perhaps just before or just after being placed on the toilet. If the parents are too lenient and the child manages to derive pleasure and success from this expulsion, it will result in the formation of an anal expulsive character. This character is generally messy, disorganized, reckless, careless, and defiant. Conversely, a child may opt to retain feces, thereby spiting his parents while enjoying the pleasurable pressure of the built-up feces on his intestine. If this tactic succeeds and the child is overindulged, he will develop into an anal retentive character. This character is neat, precise, orderly, careful, stingy, withholding, obstinate, meticulous, and passive-aggressive. The resolution of the anal stage, proper toilet training, permanently affects the individual propensities to possession and attitudes towards authority.




  1. The next method to fight your anxiety is to generate your own strength. You should be able to fight your own worry with this mechanism. Coaching


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