Episode 3: 2017

My hair has officially faded to an ash-brown with blonde strands wtf. Bought purple shampoo and leave-in treatment but it might have been too late when I started. #firstworldproblems

Anyway, I went for my first concert starring Two Door Cinema Club with front row tickets! I was really lucky to have copped them months ago. And not surprisingly, I attended it with the person who got me into them in the first place. Woohoo. Had to miss one class for this, but it was totally worth it. Before the show, old dance/pop/hip hop songs were playing (including Darude Sandstorm, Eminem, some other catchy songs that I've heard countless times but don't know the titles to). Looking behind me at everyone else settling into their seats (the sad fans who be sitting on the upper balconies) was really quite a sight for a first-time concert goer. When was the last time I saw so many people gathered in one place for a common occasion?

Featuring... hands
Alex, Sam, and Kevin being awesome



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