
Good morning lol
Hey ho. I've finally gotten myself an electric kettle! After 3 days of going without hot water, I realized that I could actually use the microwave to heat up my cup of water (albeit the microwavey taste that came with it). From today onward, I'm gonna use my 1.2L Tiger electric kettle to have hot water, milo, tea, instant noodles~ okay maybe not often for instant noodles because they're loaded with sodium.

Picture taken at the Okonomiyaki place near Shimoda
Mmm lots of cabbage
Not a flattering picture but おいしかった!

And yes, I have also been blessed by Amazon JP with a rice cooker and a room humidifier this morning. In fact, the Takyubin guy was the one who woke me up using the intercom. . . ha. . . ha. . . because I had a late night yesterday with some new friends :) I met two students from Hawaii named Jared and Alexis. They seem to be really good friends, and very used to getting high on booze. We hung out in Jeron's room (Filipino student from Brown University) where many interesting questions were asked, under the influence of alcohol. Jeron is pretty cool because he and I share similar tastes in music. I haven't come across many people who like the same genres as I do, so I'm glad.

Speaking of booze, I went to the Shimoda Welcome Party last night where I tried Chu Hai for the first time. A Swedish student, Malin, told us that Chu Hai was very light in terms of alcohol content, so I just gulped it down. Slightly after, I suddenly felt lightheaded and had to sit down. Apparently the canned version of it can contain up to 9% alcohol. . . which I didn't know until I read up on Wiki. Well, it lasted for like half an hour and slowly wore off, and it was easy to down so I think I'll have it again next time ;) the whiskey coke they served also was waay too sweet for my liking.

I'm a bit overwhelmed by everything that's going on at the same time. I have to set up and keep my room in order, plan my courses, keep my family posted, remain sane, and hang out with my new friends. It's very exciting and all, but I think I need to manage my time more diligently because once school starts, I bet it'll become even more hectic. And I haven't even started cooking/learning how to cook! Damn. Okay time to get off my butt and actually do stuff. I'll try to post more picture posts to summarize what happened during my Kyushu trip... ahhhhhhh




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